99 Ranch Market
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  • Loyalty Program
    super rewards

    Getting started is easy!

    Simply create an account and join now to

    start earning rewards

    Earn 1 point for every dollar purchased.

    Earn BONUS Points for other activities. See below for more details.

    Redeem $1 for every 100 rewards points.

    Point Rules

    Earn 3 points for writing a product review, with maximum 15 points in a calendar month.

    Earn 10 points for referring a friend, for maximum 100 points in a month.

    Earn 10 points for subscribing to the 99 Ranch Market email list, for a maximum of 10 points per member.

    Earn 20 points for turning on 99 Ranch Market SMS notifications, for a maximum of 20 points per member.

    Earn 100 points for completing your profile for a maximum of 100 points per member.

    Earn 200 points for 4 separate purchases of $49.99 and above within a calendar month.

    Earn 500 points for the first $100 purchase with maximum 500, for a maximum of 500 points per member.

    * Points expire after 365 days

    * Excludes alcohol, tobacco, lottery, and gift card purchases